Unlimited storage
Unlimited drivers
Unlimited AI OCR Text search
Black & white printer friendly view
Works on Desktop and mobile so that you can check images on the go
Advance date & user filters
Image thumbnail previews, so you’re not guessing which file to click
Infinite upgrades and improvement.
We will always innovate.
Snaprig Mobile App
Snaprig is an app for truck drivers and dispatch to quickly share and manage work related images.
Snaprig is designed to be as easy as possible, with the fewest clicks as possible so that you can quickly get back on the road.
Snaprig comes with 3 built in languages: English, Spanish & Arabic.
With our OCR AI technology, dispatch will never bother you with resending lost or difficult to find documents.
Don't spend your time downloading outdated, glitched solutions that seem frozen in time. Snaprig is cutting edge, and will continuously deliver as much as you do.
Our direct to cloud file upload will ensure near perfect accessibility so that you don't stay stuck waiting for an app to respond.
Snaprig is 100% free for truck drivers.
About Snaprig
Snaprig was created from a moment of curiosity and an eye for innovation. After diving into the world of a friend’s trucking company, we were quick to identify the gaps and limitations of existing solutions in the market. This realization sparked a question - “Why isn’t anyone providing anything better?” - and thus, the idea of Snaprig was born.
Snaprig is not just another document-sharing platform; it’s a commitment to delivering efficiency and simplicity to truck drivers and dispatch teams. Our platform stands out with its AI-driven search, allowing for seamless document retrieval, making the lives of trucking professionals easier and their operations smoother. Whether you are an independent driver or a trucking company, large or small, Snaprig is here to drive your success on the road ahead.